This largely works on the principal of fair trade, where by no single user is ever the sole giver or taker of one such digital file(s). which also works perfectly in theory as any downloader can be downloading multiple parts of the file, at once, from many users.
Alot of the time this method is perfect for large file downloads, and of course if you know anything about BT, you know the best site to find lists of all the music and movies you want is The Pirate Bay (.) org. well ok, technically this site argues that alone it does nothing wrong, it is simply a gateway / storage tank for marking BT files. it doesnt host any illegal content on its own servers, its users however are the ones that hold the illegal / legal data being transfered at all times.
Since its inception this , and other sites have been targeted heavily along with others by the MIAA, RIAA, MPAA and every other acronym organisation under the sun representing big corporate america and its affiliates. basically the big boys dont like the idea of free media out there, and feel that we should all live in 1984, paying for plastic discs and not evolving to the screams of a society searching for a better method of entertainment delivery, storage and consumption, at a fair price to all along the chain. the bottom line is hiding behind the fear mongering tactics of advertising file sharing as totally illegal and leading to crime (have you seen those cinema ads lately? geezzz) these organisations dont want to step up the technological game ..... unless they can maintain the same bottleneck of little content for big cost to the consumer.
The latest news from The Pirate Bay camp is that they are currently in a lockdown dragout trial with Swedish police and the large Hollywood movie studios. now in all circumstances we like to view the law as impartial and a beacon of justice standing between all parties, setting innocence until proven guilty, protecting individual rites and seeking truth. but as long as the law is a human with a badge, the wheels of justice will always be greased by money and power. in the last few days its recently been made aware that the Swedish chief police investigator on this trial, has been an employee of none other than ..... the american movie studio : Warner Brothers. thats a nice way to say, the big boys are lining the cops pockets with cash to force a verdict into their corner, shutting down technology, P2P file sharing, and expanding their markets of over priced goods and services which are no longer suitable to this market. so who are the bad guys now?